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This Is An Archive Of The 2010 Campaign

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In addition to your vote, we appreciate any contribution you can afford. We intend to use contributions for expenses incurred during this campaign like printing, postage, and promotion. Pursuant to a statutory requirement, your name and address must accompany any contribution over $20. The statute also requires the name of your employer (or occupation if self-employed) to be given in the event your total contributions exceed $100. As for the statutory contribution limit, individuals may not contribute more than $500 in 2010. To make things easier on both of us, we ask that you print out a simple form and follow its instructions. When you make your contribution, please make your check payable to "Campaign Fund Of Jim Martin" and mail it to us. If you would like to invite Jim Martin to your home to pick up your contribution, please contact us.

Some happy supporters

What We Will Not Do:

As you intend for his campaign fund to receive every penny of your contribution, Jim Martin has expressly required the following to ensure your contribution is used in the best way possible to reach the voters of district 56A.

  • Your financial aid will not be used to pay wages to any member of our organization. We believe in our candidate and volunteer because we do not wish to be financially influenced when partaking in his cause.
  • Your contribution will not be passed on to any political committee, political party, or political unit. We are not a front for any political entity or lobbying organization.
  • Jim Martin will not loan money to his to campaign and draw out your contribution to pay himself back. As he believes a candidate should be financially vested in their own campaign, all of the contributions Jim Martin has personally made will remain in his campaign fund. After all, if a candidate can afford to loan money to their campaign, they can afford to contribute that money.
  • Contributions will not be accepted online or by way of credit card because electronic merchants take a percentage of the transaction. There is no reason to give your money away to a creditor in the form of a fee.